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  • Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

The He Got Up

Warriors Arise: April 8, 2024

Matthew 8:25 & 26 Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!”

But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

Let's not forget Jesus was sleep. The rain was hitting Him and the waves must have soaked Him, yet He didn't wake up. He didn't wake up until the disciples came to Him.

I am a pretty sound sleeper. There can be all kinds of noise going on. I used to take a nap every afternoon. I wouldn't go to my bedroom. I would sleep on the couch with the children playing right in front of me. I could wake up 15 minutes later and have lines on my face. I was sleeping soundly.

If my children were to come to me and wake me up, it was because something happened and they needed me to take care of it. Their noise would not bother me. I would sleep right through it. However, when they came to me and needed me, I woke up instantly.

Jesus listened to the cry of His disciples. He shared His concern for them and their state of mind which had revealed their faith. Then He got up. He arose and took care of the problem.

Even if we go to God in a panic and He addresses our thoughts, He will also rise up and take care of the problem. I remember hearing someone say, "God must be sleeping. He isn't doing anything." Have you had that thought go through your mind before?

I do not believe God is sleeping. I believe He is always attentive to us. But even if you do believe He is sleeping, this passage lets you know you can wake Him up. He will show compassion toward you, rise up and address the problem.

My Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am incredibly thankful You hear me when I come to You. Your compassion toward me compels You to listen when I seek You. I am grateful You address the area in my life that I need to grow in understanding. When I see You rise up and resolve the tempest in my life, I feel valued. Thank You for being attentive to me. Thank You for being available, approachable, and compassionate. I worship You with all my heart, with all my strength and with all my mind. You are my God and there is no other in Jesus' Name, amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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