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  • Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

Judge Not

Warriors Arise: January 31, 2024

John 7:1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.

Totally forgot where chapter seven started. This verse does not mean we are to be brainless beings. Nor does it mean we are to lay aside discernment in a situation or a person. If we feel uncomfortable we need to quickly remove ourself from the situation. However, we need to make sure we are not carrying baggage from previous relationships into potential relationships.

When we have a bad experience or difficult relationships or have positioned ourselves as the victim in relationships then we can look upon everyone as the predator, bully, leach, discourager, or manipulator. There are definitely a lot of people who operate in those capacities. Mainly, because people allow them and no one stands up to them. We have conditioned ourselves to be the doormat, the used or the abused.

God wants us to be be alert and aware of those who would take advantage of us. If we will listen, the Holy Spirit will lead us away from them. God gave us a brain. We do not have to continually circle back to people who are predators, bullies, leaches, discouragers or manipulators.

"Judge not, that you be judge" does not mean we cannot speak the truth. the Bible says we can speak the truth in love. Difficult, but not impossible. We speak the truth in love because we care about the decisions someone is making. We are concerned it will take them down a path that leads them away from what is God's blessing, provision and protection upon their life. However, we also have to be prepared to listen to them and let them share. We are not going to them to stir up a hornets nest or read them the riot act. We are going in there to share truth because love has compelled us to be broken for them.

I've heard people snap, "Judge not, that you be judged." It appears they think throwing that verse out prevents them from having any responsibility for how their words or actions have hurt or harmed another. It triggers people who do not want to face their sin. They know they are sinning, hurting others, and themselves. They just don't want to put forth the effort to be responsible for their life and the way their decisions are hurting others. They snap back at you because they know. They think if no one speaks it out, it can't be true. But deep inside they can't deny it. Step back and let Holy Spirit continue to do His work.

My Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give me wisdom and understanding. Give me courage and hope. give me love and peace. Give me strength to take a stand against false judgment. Give me courage to consider the accusations and allow the Holy Spirit to lead me to truth. I pray freedom will come, honor will be given and peace will be the bedrock of the relationship and situation. I pray responsibility will be embraced and love will be given in Jesus' Name, amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

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