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  • Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

I wasn't Expecting You to Say That

Warriors Arise: April 16th, 2020

Continuing in Mark 16:6, I would like you to read it as if you were there with the three women. To read verse 6 as one complete thought doesn't give the full impact of the situation, of what was taking place. Think about each phrase/sentence the angel is saying and recognize there is no response from the women. He has a message to deliver. He is not sure if they believe Him nor if they comprehend what he is saying. He needs to make sure the women hear the message, so they can deliver it. I think he said each of these phases/sentences individually, making sure the ladies are "with" him, and "following" what he is saying, making sure they are tracking with him. v.6: "But he said to them,

"Do not be alarmed." (Evidently they looked alarmed)

"You seek Jesus of Nazareth" (How does he know why we are here?)

"Who was crucified." (Yes, He was and it was terrible!)

"He is risen!" (What do you mean He is risen? Why isn't He here?)

"He is not here." (Where did Jesus go?)

"See the place where they laid Him." (Yes, that is why we are here.)

The women had come to anoint Jesus's dead body. They were discussing on the way to the tomb who would remove the stone, so that Jesus would have a proper burial, and when they arrive things were not as they expected. They were alarmed because nothing was as they thought. The stone was rolled away, Jesus' body was not in the tomb and now someone tells them "Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, He is risen! He is not here."

Of course they could see Jesus was not there but who was this "he" who was telling them? Where had he come from? What did he mean "Jesus was risen!?" Jesus is the only one who can raise a man from the dead. They had seen Him do this with Lazarus, but since Jesus died on the cross, who could raise Him from the dead? How can this be?

The women were not expecting to hear this, nor were they expecting Jesus to be alive. But He is alive! He was no longer in the tomb. He had already left!

Fear is rampant because of how quickly the coronavirus spreads, remains hidden for a period of time and then comes like a ferocious lion seeking whom it may devour. The description of the coronavirus sounds a whole lot like the way the devil acts. The devil lies, telling us that we are safe; we do not need to be cautious. The devil lures us into believing that our sin will remain hidden and have no consequences. The devil paralyzes people with fear of the consequences because of their sin. The devil devours those who walk his path. But God, made a way for each one of us to rid ourselves of the devils lies with the truth of God's Word. God made a way for each one of us to cut the chain the devil uses to lure us into temptation. God gives us faith so we can walk away from fear and God gives eternal life to be free from death.

I love that there is an exclamation point after he says, "He is risen!" I think this angel was excited and couldn't wait for the women to get there. He had a message to deliver and his excitement just couldn't be contained. "He is risen! Jesus of Nazareth, the one who was crucified." I like to think that he was so excited to share with them but they were so alarmed that he wasn't sure they were comprehending what he was telling them. He gets to be the first to tell someone that Jesus is risen! I wonder if he had to be sitting when the women arrived because he wouldn't be able to contain his excitement. His overflowing excitement might have sickened them with fear. Could you imagine being the first one to tell a human that Jesus is alive?

Warriors we will pray today for minds to be opened to believe in Jesus Christ, who came from heaven, defeated the devil, died on the cross, set the captives free from the enemy's domain, returned to earth to redeem Peter and commission His disciples, and is in heaven interceding at the right hand fo the Father for all people as He builds a place for us in heaven. Let's pray:

God, You are incredible! Your ways can cause us to be speechless. Today, I come before You to pray for the salvation of every person, in every tribe, rural and remote place, village, town, and city to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As I have prayed over the last two weeks, I ask for the people to receive the message of Jesus Christ. I ask each one see You. When they see You, may Your comfort bring the peace they need. Jesus, You are the only way to heaven and I ask for the Holy Spirit to open the heart and mind of each person so they can comprehend the fullness of the salvation You offer. So many have been deceived by other religions. I break the bond of witchcraft, deception, curses, inner vows and demonic strongholds in Jesus' name. I loose truth, agape, compassion, peace and joy into their hearts and minds. I pray for the freedom of mind and body of those who have worshipped other gods to know the God who created them: Jesus and the Holy Spirit who will guide them in to the truth. I break the witchcraft, curses, and inner vows by the blood of Jesus. Only Jesus can set the captives free from the clutches of the enemy. So, I pray for Jesus to be active in the lives of all those who are imprisoned by the enemy. Father, Believers have shared the gospel with so many. Some have received You and others turned away. I ask for the testimony, the Word they witnessed about You to be watered today and grow into salvation for each one. Father, I ask that our work have evidence, salvations, for Your glory. I ask for You to be glorified at this time, on this day, displaying power over the enemy and the coronavirus in the name of Jesus amen!

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy

My hope is for Believers in Jesus Christ to join together each day to pray, to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth against the coronavirus. The prayers will be listed each day as Warriors Arise. I will put a date with it so we can keep them straight. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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