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  • Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

I can't find anything!

Warriors Arise: January 27, 2024

Matthew 6:27 & 28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Ladies, when we come out from our room and sigh, "I have nothing to wear," is that true? No, we have just seen a closet full of clothes. What are we really saying?

  • I can't find anything in my closet that I feel comfortable in.

  • I can't find anything in my closet that makes me feel beautiful.

  • I can't find anything in my closet that gives me confident in who we are going to be around.

  • I can't find anything in my closet that makes me optimistic about where we are going.

I agree, we don't want to be underdressed or overdressed. However, there might be something else we need to address. What exactly are we worried about when we say, "I don't have anything to wear?"

Generally, we are saying there is something about us we are discouraged about or disappointed with. Or we are saying, the people we will be around make us feel inferior and we do not feel there isn't anything in our closet that will make us feel accept when we are around them. When I want to speak those words, "I don's have anything to wear," I realize I am not being honest with myself. I have clothes.

I remember coming out to the living room and telling my husband, 'I don't have anything to wear." He was a smart man and didn't say a word. I wasn't really looking for an answer. I knew I had clothes. As quickly as I had come in, I returned to the room and looked in the closet again. While looking at the clothes, I asked myself, "What is the matter with you, Veridee? You have a closet full of clothes. You even have clothes you like. So what is the matter?"

I had to allow Holy Spirit to look into my heart. He revealed my insecurities with myself. I was unhappy with all the weight I had put on. Even though I had tried and tried again, I just couldn't get to a healthy weight. I had prayed and tired, prayed and tried again, and prayed and tired again. I have no idea how many times I tried.

But God, worked on my heart and my personal view of myself before I ever got the weight off. I had to value myself as He did in order to humble myself to be held accountable to a nutrition program that restored my health. Otherwise, I would have stopped short. I don't believe I would have gotten rid of the 91 lbs because I wouldn't have believed it was possible. I believe I would have sabotaged my health journey had I not allowed God to start working on my personal view of myself and see the value He placed upon me. I would have stopped before He had taken me to the finish line of my health.

I had clothes. They were not the issue. I was the issue. My thoughts were the issue. My view was the issue. I didn't have a healthy view of myself. I didn't receive God's value for myself. Once I believed God's value for myself then I could receive the empowerment the humble myself to follow a program and see it through to the end.

Are you worried about what you will wear? Or are you worried about how you will feel in what you wear?

My Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray to see the value You have placed upon my life. I pray I would receive the value You have placed upon my life. I pray I would give value to what You say about me. I pray I would believe what You want to do in me and through me. I pray Your word would empower me to humble myself and do what is needed for me to have a healthy view of myself. Your love for me is incredible and I desire to be all You say that I am. I do not want to view myself as less than who you say I am. I will receive Your value upon my life in Jesus' name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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