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  • Writer's pictureVeridee Hand

All "That" to get to "This"

Warriors Arise: January 30, 2024

Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Wow! Did Jesus say all of "that" just to get to "this"? From verse 25 to verse 33, Jesus is talking about why it is unnecessary to worry. He makes an entirely new statement in verse 34 to keep our focus on what we are to do today. When we get to tomorrow, we will deal with tomorrow. Today, deal with the troubles of today.

There is also no need to take today's troubles into tomorrow's troubles. Tomorrow will have enough all on its own. If our mind is consumed on the trouble we are worried about for tomorrow then we will have a difficult believing for the intervention we need God to do today.

Do you know what happens when you worry about tomorrow, today? You quit. If you think you can't handle the challenges of today and then compound them by thinking how bad it will be tomorrow because today is so difficult, you will give up. We can't allow ourselves to grow weary. We cannot allow ourselves to be tricked into thinking about how much trouble tomorrow will be just because we were challenged today.

Jesus pointed out a few issues people are constantly worried about, clothes and food. Then He likened those who worry about what they will eat tomorrow and what they will wear, to Gentiles. I understand why Gentiles worry. They do not have God in their life. There is no promise they will be provided for. There is no promise for Gentile, non-believers, to be protected or healed or delivered. They have plenty to worry about. They have to live based on what they can do for themselves.

Believer's who have made Jesus their Savior and Lord and honor God, have learned to trust God to go before them into their tomorrow. He will be there just as He is with us here, in our today. There is no need to worry about tomorrow. Get through the troubles of today. At the end of the day, delight in God's provision of food, clothes, strength, courage, and wisdom. Celebrate what you made it through today and you will not worry about tomorrow.

When we remember what God has gotten us through, we have no need to worry about tomorrow. God will be there too.

My Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give me today what I need to sustain me and strengthen me. Give me today what will give me understanding and wisdom. Give me today courage and counsel. I look to You and walk with You through my today. I will not worry about tomorrow because when tomorrow comes You will be there too and I will get through. There will be no problem I face that You can't get me through. I trust You. I will remain steadfast in completing today as a light of Your strength through the troubles today in Jesus' Name amen.

A Warrior in the Lord’s Army,

Veridee Joy Hand

Join together as Believers in Jesus Christ to pray and to push back the enemy as we release God’s power here on earth. If you have any questions please feel free to make a comment or private message me. If you would like this to come to your email directly please go to and subscribe.

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